This was all so interesting to read. In Australia, the majority of MG books start out in paperback. Of course there are exceptions and then special editions sometimes come later, but it definitely helps make MG books more accessible in terms of price points from release. We also have upper middle grade – perhaps not an official category but one many in the industry use to differentiate between what’s actually quite a wide age range, and especially one that covers a group experiencing a huge amount of growth and change.

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I have friends who are teen librarians and school librarians and they're saying the same thing - there is a deep need for upper middle grade books to fill the gap between middle grade and YA. A step between Harry Potter and A Crown of Thorn and Roses. This need is real!!

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I think we just write those books and then the booksellers will jump to it! If we build it, they will come!

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The incredible Neal Shusterman has succeeded in that "upper MG" category, but he's an established (and famous) author. Oh, how I would love to follow in his footsteps and write an MG featuring a 13-14 year old.

Your upcoming book sounds wonderful!

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Thank you Wendy! Just do write that, is my take on this. Especially since Becca in MYSTERY is about to turn 13.......................................

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I’ve been querying my MG contemporary novel to no avail. I do think you’ve given me the answer—word length and age of the protagonist. It’s just not hitting the right notes, which is hard to face. Contemporary MG has hit a slow slog as well. More and more, fantasy seems to be taking center stage. I’m seriously on the fence between major revision or just going forward with the YA I’m working on. Your new book looks terrific! I’ll definitely check it out! Great to get the real truth here—even though it’s not exactly what I want to hear! (I also think they’re treading lightly in MG because that’s the sweet, protective spot in child development and parents can be tigers when overseeing those books.)

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Hi Gael - YES to all of this. I am sorry you're having such a hard time with your MG, but you're not alone. I think follow your heart to your next steps - rather than a major revision right away, maybe a new project will juice your imagination. And yes, fantasy is having a run, but that means by the time books that are selling now come out, it may have run its course and other books will jump to the top.

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Thanks, Janet. Reality is hard—but so necessary in this market. Your words are so helpful, and encouraging!

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