It's so interesting to me how differently everyone works. I'm one of those writers who goes with the outline and lots and lots of notes on scenes before I ever start writing. But despite all that, there is lots of filling in of interiority and World building that I need to do in subsequent drafts!

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So true, and as I said even different from book to book. I used to be this methodical polish-as-I-went writer, but not any longer. Maybe...running out of time??

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Feb 2Liked by Janet Fox

I write semi-polished drafts before sending them out for feedback to critique partners.

When starting a new project, I’ll write three chapters in an attempt to get to know my characters organically before outlining or doing character sketches. The ending is a mountain in the distance.

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Excellent - I've actually written a followup post for folks who need to hear what you just outlined - get to know your characters. And oh, that mountain!!! Thanks, Kristin!

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